New Member Profiles
Eydie Desser
A Texas native, Eydie Desser graduated with a BS from the University of Texas at Austin in 1981 and began her career in advertising and marketing. From 1992 to 2005, she held an executive position with CBS Radio, heading its sales management in the Dallas, San Francisco, New York and L.A. markets.
In 2003, Eydie earned a grand diploma from the French Culinary Institute in New York City and paid it forward, serving from 2009 to 2019 on the board of the Careers Through Culinary Arts Program, a nonprofit that helps at-risk youth receive scholarships in the culinary world. For the past six years, she has been a board member of The Plantrician Project, which hosts an annual plant-based nutrition global educational conference for doctors. In 2019, she founded Garden of Eydie, a health and wellness social media brand.
Voluntarism has always been a priority, and she has served on the boards of Jewish Vocational Service and the LACMA Projects Council. She is currently involved with the Jewish Federation and its women’s philanthropy Lions of Judah; MOCA Projects Council; as cochair for Brentwood Country Club’s fundraising projects; and sponsor of the Galilee Culinary Institute with the Jewish National Fund.
Eydie is married to her own Mr. Wonderful, Ed, and they adore their Australian labradoodle Augie the Doggie.

Suzanne Klein
Suzanne Klein is a founder and chairman of the board of The Richland Companies. As chairman, she serves as a tactical consultant and in an advisory capacity, shaping the overall corporate and investment strategy, market selection, location scouting, property acquisitions and divestments, control of assets and property enhancement. She is also a partner in SKK Oil and Gas Investments.
A graduate of Stephens College in Columbia, Missouri, she also holds a BA in English and journalism from Memphis State University as well as a postgraduate degree in animal husbandry from the University of Florida. She began her career in the oil and gas industry in 1965. With her journalism background, she has served as editor-in-chief of magazines Petroleum Engineer and Oil & Gas.
Suzanne generously shares her time and resources with numerous charitable organizations and has served on the boards of the Houston Grand Opera; Girl Scouts of San Jacinto Council; First Tee and First Tee of the Palm Beaches; Foundation Fighting Blindness; League for Educational Awareness Against Holocaust; and many other organizations. She is a Lincoln Center patron and a patron of The Getty Museum.
Suzanne’s greatest sources of joy are her two children and five grandchildren.

Tracy Berger
Tracy grew up in Beverly Hills and always had a passion for fashion and art. After graduating from Beverly Hills High School, she attended the Fashion Institute of Design & Merchandising to study fashion design and worked for various clothing manufacturers and in showrooms. After several years she was ready to move on.
Her parents were role models. Her father and his family escaped the war from Austria. Her mother was a successful real estate agent and when Tracy no longer wanted to work in fashion, her mother suggested she get her real estate license. Tracy did so and for 12 years sold real estate. The experience taught her many lessons that she uses to this day. After that, family was her No. 1 priority and raising her children, Adam, Joshua and Gaby was a full-time job. She was very active at their schools and at Sinai Temple, chairing many fundraisers.
Twenty years ago, her husband, Andre Berger, MD, started a practice in age management, wellness and nonsurgical cosmetic treatments. Tracy began handling the marketing and operations, and the practice grew. Today she does this part time, as she is also managing partner/owner of industrial properties and storage facilities.
Tracy strongly believes in being of service and is involved in the Jewish Federation and Lions of Judah.